Is coffee beneficial to health?
Why We Do Coffee Is there a benefit, what if?
Here are 10 reasons apply to you ...
What makes this coffee so special, why we drink coffee every morning, the smell makes you feel happy and peaceful Why us?
Here are 10 reasons apply to you ...
What makes this coffee so special, why we drink coffee every morning, the smell makes you feel happy and peaceful Why us?
The day begins with coffee people, one of the popular beverage in the world.
So what is it that makes coffee so special?
1. Stress
Researchers in South Korea, they did some experiments using mice deprived of sleep. the mice exposed to the aroma of coffee began to change brain proteins. These proteins have the ability antioxidant that protects nerve cells from stress. Only the effect of the coffee's fragrance, instantly worried that the stress levels of mice fell from sleep deprivation. However, no change in the control group showed no brain when exposed to the smell of coffee did not have this protein.
People react in the same way they show, so if you are deprived of sleep, and when you start to feel stressed, rich flavored cup of coffee is good.
2. Parkinson's
In 2012, according to a study in the American coffee Parkinson's patients it is advocated that help control movement. Ronald post on to the American Academy of Neurology medical journal published a study on this issue. Patients were given two and four cups of coffee a day is the equivalent of the caffeine pills and is subject to other group was given placebo. After 6 weeks, the movement of patients in the group receiving caffeine pills development and healed while it was determined that there was no improvement in the placebo group.
Caffeine sleep or quality of sleep, which helps to move, unfortunately, could contribute positively.
3. liver
On a daily basis compared to those drinking less likely to develop liver cirrhosis 20% of coffee drinkers. Liver cirrhosis is a disease of too much alcohol consumption was captured and eventually can lead to liver cancer. According to a study carried out in 2006 in Arthur Klatsky leadership, at least one daily coffee shows the liver of people over the age of 22 can better protect consuming. The coffee that protects the liver disease and NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) are also studies showing that prevent development.
4. Depression
Coffee can make you feel happier people. National Institutes of Health, studies in people who drink four or more cups of coffee into the possibility of depression has determined that less than 10%.
5. Skin Cancer
Harvard Medical School, examined more than 100,000 men and women in an investigation lasting 20 years. They found three cups of coffee a day compared to those women who drink coffee much less likely to develop skin cancer, they were exposed. So, ladies, if you want your skin healthy and protected, you can start the day with a reasonable dose of coffee on a daily basis.
6. Sports
You may have seen that some athletes take caffeine pills before you go to a gym workout. Caffeine improves blood flow, increases energy levels and increases the number of fatty acids in the blood. Mostly caffeine supplements in pill form, which contains the amount of caffeine that you'll get much more than a cup of coffee. But we'll recommend that you still natural and enjoyable. Drink your coffee the way you like before sports. Even if you drink a cup of coffee just before training, while training energy, stamina and you will feel the difference in the blood pump.
7. Type 2 Diabetes
American Chemical Society, one related to caffeine fa "has made a rapid survey. In these particular studies, day four cups of coffee (or more) of smokers, the likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes up to 50% have discovered significantly can reduce. Moreover, after each additional cup of risk 7% is further reduced.
We are still with the idea of another beat effects (eg insomnia) do not recommend drinking more than four cups.
8. Alzheimer's
Miami and South Florida universities in research, the elderly consume coffee on a daily basis (65 years) at the time of contracting Alzheimer's discovered that the blood longer than persons without any caffeine. Of course, drinking coffee can prevent Alzheimer's, but can reduce the risk or delay.
9. Antioxidant
We know that fruits and vegetables contain more antioxidants than coffee, but since 2005 there has been a study concluded that absorbs most antioxidants in the human body after drinking coffee. According to the American study chemistry union, he claims that nothing approaching the coffee.
Somehow the human body, even if it has much less antioxidant some fruits and vegetables, use more coffee's antioxidants and fast. This new information, coffee makes an important option for the prevention of heart disease. Therefore, start your day with your favorite coffee for daily protection against heart disease.
10. Multiple Sclerosis
Two independent studies showed that low risk for multiple sclerosis, resulting in high consumption of coffee. Four cups of coffee a day significantly reduces the risk of development of multiple sclerosis. According to the findings of coffee can prevent neural inflammation that can lead to the development of MS.
We knew that people inside for coffee smell and taste. Now we know the benefits.
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