Colombian coffee after Brazil and Vietnam, most exporting countries. In fact, only the second-largest producer of arabica type coffee can say that if we compare the export arabica. mAlArIndA designation of Colombian coffee you usually see supremo said excelsoir or jewelry. Excelso smaller grains, the nomenclature used for Madiran supremo beans are larger.
Located north of the city of Bucaramanga Colombia, a region with the lowest unemployment rate improved. 9th parallel north along the northern Panama, Costa Rica, India, and coffee in Ethiopia is at the same latitude intervals of training. Coffee productivity is starting from a height of 1200m above sea level and reaches up to 1500 meters.
Coffee shadow shade loving plants because of the slope is more preferred for planting. Shadow, by creating an environment in the region below the nominal temperature, the slower and coffee sweet notes of the tree structure makes it possible to grow up to be released.
farm outside of a big two manufacturers in the region do not have their own processing plants. Therefore, family members gathered here for coffee cherries to the processing stations in the side brought here is fermented, it is ready to export products after drying the pulp separated by washing method.
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Castillo, Colombia, of course, the Caturra and may be called the most grown coffee varieties. Research conducted Colombiya country's top coffee because it is the third largest exporter supported by the state for many years. Due to the region's climate and altitude rust disease is the biggest enemy of coffee trees in this area by to Set a serious danger, large farms effort and government support with rust disease resistant hybrid species-building efforts are gaining momentum after the 1960s.
These studies Colombia has enabled many new special type of coffee to be formed. Catura, Castillo hybrids of the types Typica and bourbon, Colombia, Caturra and subject species are resistant to rust disease. In blind taste tests made these varieties are considered the same as Caturra and Typica Bourbon classes. Created without sacrificing flavor, efficient manufacture and stable nuclei are unique to this species Colombia. I Bucaramanga carefully roasting the coffee, you feel you easy access to the expected taste aims
coffee trees at an altitude of 1200-1500 meters north of the country, they grow at high temperatures. This core body high, low acidity, earthy notes of flavors, chocolate and nuts gives rise to.
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